Official Notice of Proposed Amendments to Rules

The Racing Industry Act 2020 defined the structure for the reformed racing industry, with a new entity the Racing Integrity Board expected to take over the adjudicative functions of the Judicial Control Authority and the rule enforcement powers of the Racing Integrity Unit.

The Racing Integrity Board will be established as an independent body to promote and ensure compliance with high standards of animal welfare, integrity and professionalism by industry participants.

HRNZ has been notified that the Racing Integrity Board will be formed from 1 July 2021, and consequently HRNZ’s rules require updating to reflect the transfer of functions from the Judicial Control Authority and the Racing Integrity Unit to the Racing Integrity Board.

In the event that the Racing Integrity Board is not formed on 1 July 2021, the proposed changes to HRNZ’s rules will only take effect from the date of formation of the Racing Integrity Board.

Here is a link to the proposed changes to HRNZ Rules to reflect the commencement of the Racing Integrity Board.


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